
Best typing program for kids
Best typing program for kids

Many dyslexic children and adults find it difficult to concentrate for long periods of time.

  • Interactive but short lessons keep the user interested.
  • best typing program for kids

    Overloading the user with instructions and commands in this manner is not helpful to dyslexic users. Some programs try to get the user to develop all 3 skills at once, in a small period of time. There are three skills involved in touch typing – knowing the keyboard layout, typing accurately and being able to type quickly.

  • Don’t overload the user by trying to teach them too many skills at once.
  • This reinforces spelling patterns and can have a positive effect. Some of the typing programs we sell make users type similar sounding words together. This should be avoided with dyslexic users as it will, if anything, have a negative impact on their spelling. This means that many programs make users type nonsense words. By their nature typing programs are repetitive and, particularly at the early stages, limit the number of letters that are typed. Other features we look out for in a dyslexia-friendly typing tutor are: If there are no audio options then it is useful to be able to use text-to-speech programs to read out the instructions. For typing tutors this means having both text and audio instructions, with a picture of the keyboard on screen at all times. It is important for any software aimed at dyslexics to use a multisensory approach. What makes a typing tutor ‘dyslexic friendly’? Here we’ll give a run down of why we’ve chosen them and who they are suitable for. We’ve tried to pick what we feel are the most fun and effective typing tutors. Therefore it is important that any typing program is effective, fun to use and quick to progress through. But typing tutors by their nature are repetitive and time consuming with little to show for it at the outcome. For dyslexics this is particularly important as the quicker they learn to type, the quicker they can fully appreciate the tools available to them through using a computer. Researchers have also shown that learning to type early on, in the first few years of schooling, can benefit students’ reading, comprehension, vocabulary and spelling skills.Ī good typing tutor will enable the user to learn their way around the keyboard quickly without losing interest in using the computer.

    best typing program for kids

    Computers are a great tool for both dyslexic adults and children and it is important to become familiar and confident with using the computer as quickly as possible. An overview of typing tutors that are particularly suitable for use with children and adults who have dyslexia.Īnyone who regularly uses a computer understands the need to be able to type quickly and accurately.

    Best typing program for kids